Top 5 Supplements For The CrossFit Open

What supplements should you take if you are doing the CrossFit Open? If you’re reading this we are going to make a couple of assumptions.
A.) You are a CrossFit athlete who is wanting to compete for a spot in the CrossFit Regionals line up… or at least plan to run through the CrossFit Open workouts like greased lightning so you can post up your score for bragging rights over your peers.
B.) You have a good handle on your diet. Your whole foods game is on point and the only missing link to you gaining that extra edge is a crafty supplement strategy.
If you fit either of those assumptions, this article is for you my friend! Here are our top five supplements recommendations to decrease your CrossFit Open times, increase your chances at a trip to regionals and bring some more separation between you and your trash talking friends.
1. GlycoDrive:
Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin or cluster dextrin is a designer carbohydrate and the single source carbohydrate found in GlycoDrive. This high molecular weight carbohydrate passes quickly through the stomach where it can be transported throughout the body for storage as glycogen. This fast burning, easily converted to energy, fuel is stored in your liver and skeletal muscle cells. High intensity CrossFit style workouts are fueled by glycogen. Having an adequate supply in the tank is vital to performing at your peak!
Our recommendation: Take 25 grams 20 min prior to your WOD with 12 ounces of water (For an added pick-me up consider adding either Pre-wod or Dysrupt). Immediately following your workout consume another 25-50 grams, this will make a huge difference for you leading into the next WOD.
2. Driven Whey:
The key to a top placing in the CrossFit Open is putting together several stellar performances. This could require more than one go at a good time for the posted workout, not to mention the WOD’s your doing on top of the open workout. Helping heal those broken down muscles between workouts is the keep to longevity. The fast acting proteins in Driven Whey send a rush of amino acids into the bloodstream where they can repair and rebuild your hard working muscle tissue, speeding recovery time between workouts.
Our recommendation: Take between 25-50 grams (depending on lean mass body weight) immediately after working out. If you are not getting enough protein through whole food meals throughout the day or are forced to miss a meal, keep some on hand so you can get a quick shake.
3. Creatine:
If you have been lifting weights without enjoying the benefits of Creatine now is the time to start! Easily the most studied performance enhancing supplement over the last two decades creatine can have you moving more weight, faster from day one. Without diving into the inner working of the Krebs Cycle, (sorry exercise science nerds) creatine or phosphophocreatine as it is stored in the body (enter exercise nerd smiles) donate a phosphate to inert ADP transforming it into the fast energy powerhouse ATP.
Why is this important? You know the feeling of sprinting and you suddenly can’t achieve maximum speed? When your doing a 3 rep max squat and can’t stand the third one up? THAT my friend is the rate your ATP storage and production is exceeded by your ATP usage. More creatine in your system and you might add 10 yards at a full sprint, or get that final rep on your max! To add further fuel to the fire (pun intended) creatine increases the size of the muscle cells allowing more nutrients to flood in and more recovery to take place!
Our recommendation: Creatine is beneficial before and after workouts. 15 min before workouts take 3-5 grams followed by 3-5 grams immediately post workout. *For best results take with a fast carb like GlycoDrive for better nutrient transport.
4. Driven Aminos:
Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine make up the three Branch Chain Amino Acids. These three are the major amino acids oxidized and broken down during ATP production. They help to convert fuel to energy by increasing the availability and rate of carbohydrate breakdown helping optimize performance. BCAA’s can reduce muscle damage or breakdown (catabolism) while working out. Leucine in particular has an anabolic (muscle growth) effect, signaling the body to build more skeletal muscle. They also promote immune health which can be weekend after prolonged or especially intense exercise. This could help you avoid getting a cold or worse the flu, a certain derailment for your open score. If you want to decrease your workout times, decreasing your recovery time is a good place to start.
Our recommendation: Driven Aminos can can be enjoyed anytime, especially between meals to bridge the gap between protein intake and preserve muscle mass. For performance benefits take one serving 5 min prior to your workout and if you have time, add them in your water bottle for an intra workout boost.
5. R&R:
We cannot overstate the importance of getting enough zzz’s at night. Not just clocking in for some downtime but ensuring that your are getting quality recovery sleep. While we can’t increase the hours you spend with the lights off, we can increase the quality and benefit you receive from it. Driven Nutrition R&R night time formula has a three step process to better recovery while you sleep.
One, natural sleep aids ensure a restful sleep where you can drift off to the deep stages of sleep where recovery can take full effect. In this deep REM sleep cognitive functioning is restored, growth hormone is secreted and protein synthesis is taking place.
Two, digestive enzymes and probiotics were added to aid the digestion and absorption of nutrients. With better nutrient partitioning your last meal or protein shake is put to better use as a muscle building and repairing agent. They promote a healthy digestive tract which is the single the most important area you can improve for better immune health. Three, natural hormone boosting ingredients help boost your bodies normal hormone output elevating an already anabolic state of rest and recovery.
Our recommendation: Take 2-3 capsules 30 minutes before you plan on going to bed. Allocate at least 7 hours of sleep time for best results and no drowsiness. Then wake up refreshed and ready for the next WOD!
There it is, our all-star lineup of supplements to get you through the CrossFit Open performing at your peak and finishing as strong as you started!
Good luck and let’s see those times! #bethesheepdog